Have you ever asked yourself: Where was God in my life? It may not be a question you can ask Google or Siri or Alexa, but whatever you may or may not think about God, this is a great question to ask yourself.
God, where were you when I was a kid being abused by my father?
Where were you God when I needed you?
Where were you God when I was rejected by someone I loved?
Where was God in my life when I was diagnosed with cancer?
Where were you God when my child died?
Where are you God when I feel like my life is on the edge of darkness and despair?
Where are you God when I see in the mirror an old, tired body that hurts when I sleep and hurts when I am awake; and is no longer relevant in the world or the church or family?
Where are you God when I am on the street with nowhere to turn?
Where are you God when I have lost my home, my family and my country?
Even if we don’t know who God is, we as humans look for a god,
We could look back at our own personal journey in life at some of the most significant moments and ask that question. Where were you God? We instinctively know that things are messed up, but we don’t know how to get our lives; or the world from disaster to rightness, or from brokenness to wholeness.
So then what’s the next question? Even if we don’t know who God is, we as humans look for a god, even if it is something other than God the Creator/Father. So, who are you looking for?
The bible tells an awesome and a little scary story of how God brought his son, Jesus into the world so that we could be reconciled (re-connected) in our relationship with God the Creator/Father.
Easter Sunday reminds us of the promise (covenant) that was sealed not only by Jesus’ death on a cross and his shedding of innocent blood for us; but Easter also reminds us what Jesus’ resurrection from the dead means to where God is in our lives.
Yes, you heard that right! No other prophet, or god that we have turned to for answers throughout man’s recorded history has claimed, and was verified by witnesses; to have had the power over death and came back to life. This is the epic seal of our Savior, Jesus Christ, that assures us that he has the power to enforce his promises to us.
He has promised that if we believe in him, turn away from our own will (sin) and are baptized (dunked under water) as a covenant swearing-in ceremony; then he will forgive our sins, give us purpose, (his mission), his spirit will live in our hearts and we will be given eternity to have a joyful relationship with him for all eternity. Acts 2:38 (NIV) “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Isn’t it time for you to ask: Where do I want God to be?
Freedom is critical to love. If there isn’t the freedom to choose wrong, then there also isn’t the freedom to choose God or choose to have fellowship with God. So God gave his crown-jewel of creation: that’s us, the freedom to choose to love him and want him involved in our life. He knew that offer meant we also have the freedom to reject him; but he stays available anyway regardless of our rejection. He wants to be part of your life because he loves you.
Isn’t it time for you to ask: Where do I want God to be? He is there waiting and ready to welcome you into his family forever. That is the best news any of us can ever have. It is that simple and so amazing.
Where is God in my life now? Right here, leading, supporting, encouraging me and helping me get through the difficult and aggressive things life throws at me. I would love for you to join my family and God’s family. Look past the barriers and find God where He's always been. Arms and heart wide open, waiting to welcome you home.
Now pass on God’s hospitality and tell a neighbor the same Good News!
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