Has fear of Corona virus got you stuck at home on Sunday? Wonderful!
The church was born under persecution, without a set place to meet in. They met wherever it was convenient. They met in the temple courts, homes, rented rooms and schools. People fellowshipped and taught and grew together in the footsteps of Jesus. Where Christ followers met - that was The Church.
With wide-spread fear and panic over this particular virus, many churches are cancelling their services for the rest of the month of March. But what an amazing opportunity we have been handed to re-live the birth of the church around our dining room tables.
Here are the 5 Easy Steps:
Read a favorite passage of scripture together,
Then let each person have a turn expressing how that impacts them,
Next go around from the youngest to the oldest and listen to how their life could look different as result of that scripture,
Pray for each other; one person at a time; for God’s power and blessing over them to make that change in their life in the coming week,
Finally, Eat together! Acts 20:7 says they came together on the first day of the week to break bread. Break off a piece of your bread and remember Christ’s body broken on our behalf. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 11: 23-25 (NIV) Jesus said: “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me”. Lift your cups and celebrate together our forgiveness found in Christ’s blood spilled for us. “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it in remembrance of me.”
Now enjoy the fellowship and food together around the table. What a perfect Sunday! What a great way to teach your kids; and a great way to make your home a place where Jesus is Lord.
No rule that says you can’t invite a neighbor over too. In fact that’s exactly how a disciple of Jesus begins making other disciples. This could become a habit!
I would love for you to share your stories and send pictures of your family, friends and neighbors gathering around your dining room table, or around your living room together this next few weeks. Leave it in the comments or PM us; or email them directly to: thehospitalitytable@gmail.com
We are the Church! We are the Body of Christ!
Let’s live for Him no matter what the world throws at us.
Copyright © Rebecca Walker 2020