Jesus used word pictures of food and drink everywhere and anywhere He went. He basically ate His way through the Gospels and eventually was accused of being a drunk and a glutton simply because He spent so much time with people around the table. What if the worst that could be said of me was that I ate and drank with sinners?
Each of us as a Jesus follower has the responsibility to follow both the call of the Great Commission to make disciples as well as the Great Commandment to love God and love our neighbor. It was Jesus himself in Mark 12:30-31 who said that there is no commandment greater than this. Hospitality is a lifestyle that translates into actually accomplishing both of these directives in our life.
Hospitality is a way to live out loving God and loving our neighbor every day! Hospitality is the language of relationships that lead to transformation and hospitality should be the language of Church culture to reach the lost. Hospitality looks a lot like discipleship; it is about dying to self and living for others.
Follow Jesus to the table, He is already there waiting for you. Revelation 3:20 (KJV) says this: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup (eat) with him, and he with me.” This is so unpretentious; Jesus loves to draw people to Himself around the table. Where better to build relationships?