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“Collaboration is the next frontier for the church!” Terry Dalrymple, Director of the Global CHE Network


I believe the same challenge is before us here not just in the Phoenix Valley but everywhere Christ-Followers choose to fulfill their purpose as disciple makers.  In order for community-wide transformation to take place we must break down barriers of distinction, denomination or any other man-made obstacle that prevents us from together accomplishing our mission of reconciliation as spelled out in II Corinthians 5:11-21.  


Jesus prayed for unity of believers in John 17 that would reflect the oneness he shared with his Father.  He prayed that the unity we show the world would bring glory to the Father.


There is powerful potential if we come together to empower each other, to build capacity and to focus our efforts. The City of Tucson has discovered this in a big way when they came together to collaborate within the 4Tucson movement.


Are we humble enough to stand together? To lay aside our programs, buildings or power structures in order to re-focus each Christ follower back to being a disciple-maker? Where do we start? What does engaging look like?


The Hospitality Table is working to build capacity and empower the Body of Christ to collaborate and build the kind of unity that brings glory to God the Father.  We invite you to join with us and contribute to the discussion and prayer for the city of Phoenix. Currently we meet around the South East Valley and look forward to you hearing from you.  Just click on this link and provide us with your contact info and we will gladly welcome you and your team at the table.


What could our community look like if we dared to collaborate? Join us to see just how great a God we serve!


Rebecca Walker


The Hospitality Table

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